Library House Surgery has an open list and accepts patients residing inside and outside of the practice boundary. If you live outside of the practice boundary, or Out of Area, it may impact on what services you can access and if you join, or remain with the surgery if you move.
If you wish to join us as a new patient, and live outside of the practice area, please submit a registration in the usual way and our team will assess if it's clinically appropriate for you to join the practice.
Whenever we assess if it's suitable for a patient to be registered who lives outside of the practice we try to be as fair as possible, whilst also recognising everybody is different and what may be appropriate from one person may not be appropriate for another. We consider the following:
- Distance to practice - Maybe you are just outside of the boundary, maybe you live a little further afield but on a direct bus route.
- Ability to travel to the practice - Are you able to travel to the practice for appointments? How easy is it for you to travel, at short notice? If you are housebound, we cannot provide home visits and is unlikely our surgery would be able to provide appropriate care.
- Past registration history - Have you previously been asked to leave the practice? If so, when and for what reason?
- Individual clinical need - Do you have complex health problems that would be better served by a local practice?
- Other mitigating circumstances - Are there are special or mitigating circumstances which we need to consider?
If you are an existing patient, already residing Out Of Area, we regularly review our patient list to ensure we are meeting their needs. It may be you move house or there is a change in circumstances which may mean it is no longer clinically appropriate for you to remain on the practice list. At this point we will write to you explaining this and inviting you to register at a practice closer to home. If you are struggling to find a local GP practice, you can access the NHS - Find A GP Service here.
For all Out of Area Patients, you may on occasion, develop an urgent illness or injury at home that means attending the GP surgery as normal would not be appropriate. If you require a GP home visit, please contact the practice in the first instance. If we determine you need access to services local to where you live, we may ask you to call NHS 111. In these circumstances NHS 111 will direct you to a local service that has been established by NHS England for patients who do not live close to the practice they are registered with. This local service could be a GP practice near to where you live, the local walk-in or urgent care centre, A&E or minor injuries unit.
This local service will then decide if you can attend for an urgent face to face appointment with a healthcare professional or if a home visit is needed which will be based on your individual circumstances.
If this is in the out-of-hours period when GP surgeries are normally closed – between 6:30pm and 8:30am weekdays and during weekends – NHS 111 will direct, you to the local out-of-hours provider.
If you do decide to register with us, we will contact you and inform you of this information.
Useful Links
You can view the Practice Boundary online.
You can find out more information about registering with a GP on the NHS England website.
Struggling to find a GP surgery? You can use the NHS Find A GP Service.